Welcome to Start School Later Sacramento, CA
We are a chapter of high school students who are working to promote and protect the health, well-being and future success of 3 million California teenagers.
We believe that most California middle and high school students are living with school start times which are too early. We believe middle and high schools should begin at 8:30 a.m. or later. We know that this idea is supported by our pediatricians, the Stanford University School of Medicine, the California State PTA, the Los Angeles County Office of Education, the Public Health Institute, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine…among others. We support California’s SB 328 (Portantino) – the Healthy School Start Times bill. We know this bill passed the Senate Education Committee in April 2017. We know this bill passed the Senate Appropriations Committee in May 2017. We know this bill passed the Assembly Education Committee in July 2017. We know this bill passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee in September 2017. We know this bill failed to pass in the Assembly in September when 26 Assembly members voted “yes”, 30 Assembly members voted “no” and 23 Assembly members DID NOT VOTE. We need 41 votes to pass. We believe this is a good bill that will help California teenagers be healthier, safer, smarter and happier. We will work on getting this bill passed by the State Assembly and signed by our Governor. Like and follow our page so that you can come on our journey and learn why this matters and how we plan to help get SB 328 - the Healthy School Start Times Bill to become a law! Please fill out our contact form on this page if you can help! To connect with our Sacramento, CA chapter, Like our Facebook page or fill out the contact form on this page. |