Below is a sampling of our recent efforts to raise awareness about, and help ensure, healthy sleep and school start times that give students a chance to get it.
2024 National Conference on Adolescent Sleep and School Start Times
Advocating for Healthy Sleep Policies on Capitol Hill |
Championing Later Start Times with US Representative Zoe Lofgren |
New York State School Board Association Meeting
New York chapter leaders Dr. Max Van Gilder and Vanessa Alstrup Parsons raise awareness in school board members at the annual meeting of the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA), October 2024.
Mardi Gras, Start School Later Style |
Let's Sleep! Webinar, 2024 |
White House Sleep Health Equity Convening
Washington, DC, November 14, 2023
Let's Sleep! Webinars 2023
Sleep Advocacy Dream Team |
Engaging with Maryland Pediatricians |
2023 Let's Sleep! Webinar |
Waking Up Albany |
It's About Time in Lower Merion, PA
Our Lower Merion, PA chapter raising awareness throughout the community. (November 2022)
Waking Up Washington to Sleep Health
Joining with Project Sleep and other coalition partners on Capitol Hill, October 24-25 2022
Sacramento Superheroes and New Book Featuring SSL

Lisa L. Lewis, co-leader of SSL California and author of the new book THE SLEEP-DEPRIVED TEEN joined by the team of Sacramento SSL volunteers who helped make the state's landmark healthy school start time law a reality. From Left: Anne Cordts Del Core, Lisa L. Lewis, Joy Wake (SSL Health Policy & Advocacy Director), Sue Gylling
SLEEP 2022
2021 Webinars from Let's Sleep! for School and Community Leaders
Adolescent Health and School Start Times Workshop -- Exton, PA
Challenge Success -- Creating a Culture of Healthy Sleep |
Testifying before the Massachusetts Legislature |
Stanford Medicine X Conference
![]() In her talk, Alexandra explained that a person's chronotype - when a person is "programmed" to sleep during a 24-hour period - has a genetic basis and cannot be adjusted through willpower or discipline. She urged for later start times at school for adolescents, and at work for the 40% of adults who have a natural sleep onset time of midnight or later. (9/22/19)
Working for Healthy Hours in Texas |
Talking to Students About Sleep Health |
Meeting with Rep. Zoe Lofgren |
Sleepshow 2019 |
PTA Council of Baltimore County Health and Safety Roundtable
New York State Council on Leadership and Student ActivitiesAdolescent Health and School Start Times: Science and Strategies WorkshopAdolescent Health and School Start Times: Science and Strategies Workshop![]() Outreach at the California Sleep Society Meeting![]() At the California Sleep Society meeting, leaders of Start School Later met with Dr., Wiilliam C Dement, the founder of the Sleep Research Center at Stanford University, sometimes called the American "father of sleep medicine." (9/28/18)
Raising Awareness of Pennsylvania Sleep Professionals![]() Gail Karafin, PhD, Leader of Start School Later Pennsylvania and Terra Ziporyn Snider, PhD, SSL's Co-Founder and Executive Director, presented in a session devoted to school start times, together with sleep physician Indira Gurubhagavatula, MD MPH and 9th grader Anya Jayanthi, who provided a student's perspective. (5/5/18)
Landmark Legislation in California |
New York State School Boards Association![]() Max Van Gilder, MD, leader of Start School Later New York, and Brendan Duffy, Start School Later's Athletic Liaison, talk to school board members from around New York State. (10/26/18)
California DreamingStart School Later leaders and other advocates meet in Sacramento to discuss potential legislative approaches to ensuring safe, healthy school hours in California (10/18/18)
Raising Awareness in Pearland, Texas |
Free Webinars--in partnership with the HHS (Region V), OAHP, and the Ohio AAP-Ohio |
Bringing teen sleep deprivation awareness to Pearland, TX in front of Nail Bar of Texas next to HEB on Pearland Parkway. (April 2018)
Raising Awareness in Baytown, TX
Outreach to Sleep Professionals at the Alaska Sleep Conference |
Testifying Before the Massachusetts State Legislature
Success in Greenwich, CT |
Raising Awareness in Maryland |
Town Hall Meeting: Pasadena, CA |
Adolescent Sleep, Health, and School Start Times: The National Conference |
Safety Partner in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Drowsy Driving Report |
ED Talk at the University of Texas Austin's Department of Education |
![]() Start School Later leaders from several Texas chapters met at the The University of Texas at Austin to attend a talk by SSL Executive Director Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider hosted by Dr. Julie Maslowsky, Assistant Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education. Some of them stopped by to talk to state legislators at the Capitol while they were in town. (1/27/17)
New England School Development Council (NESDEC) - School Start Times Workshop
Ohio Teens 4 Health Summit

At the first annual #OHteens4Health statewide summit, Oakley Perry interviews Start School Later's Communications Director Stacy Simera and the famous "teen who woke up her school" Jilly Dos Santos share with students ways that they can advocate for healthy school start times.
Zzz's to A's, Free Webinars Supporting Teen Sleep |
Raising Scholarship Funds for School and Community Leaders |
Free webinars hosted by the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Region V Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Adolescent Health, the Ohio Adolescent Health Partnership (OAHP), and the Ohio chapter of Start School Later (SSL), and featuring OAHP's Sleep Committee Chair/SSL Communications Director Stacy Simera. Register here! (10/4/16 & 10/25/16)
Showcasing Sleep 101 at the Harvard Freshman Student Health Fair |
We are raising money for scholarships that will allow school and community leaders to attend our Spring 2017 National Conference on Adolescent Sleep, Health, and School Start Times in Washington. The conference will feature state-of-the-science findings, practical guidance on bell time change, and a forum for sharing ideas and experiences to a broad base of policymakers, educators, researchers, and advocates.
Meeting at the U.S. Surgeon General's Office![]() A delegation from START SCHOOL LATER - Terra Ziporyn Snider, Melissa Stanton, Terry Cralle, and Dr. Daniel Lewin of Children's National Medical Center (not pictured), visited the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General in Washington, D.C. to discuss the need to sleep-friendly school hours with Dr. Nazleen Bharmal, MD, PHD, MPP, Director of Science and Policy. (6/9/16)
Raising Awareness of National Leaders |
Student Leaders Spreading the Word
![]() Matthew Daniels, leader of the Start School Later Unionville District, PA Student Chapter, at Chester County, PA's WCHE 1520AM studio updating listeners about the chapter's progress as well as informing them about the importance of delayed school start times. (Spring 2016)
Signing Orange Ribbon for Healthy School Hours into Maryland Law
College Sleep Fair at Georgetown University![]() Georgetown Universitys Health Communication Specialist Laura Marcucci moderates a panel discussion about the importance of sleep to academic success, athletic performance, and overall health & wellness. Panelists include Dr. Andrea Bonior, Kristin Musolino, Start School Later's Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider, and student Sydney Jean Gottfried.
Working with The Huffington Post to Raise Sleep Awareness |
Teen Sleep Forum Sponsored by Start School Later PennsylvaniaHundreds of parents and community members from Radnor Township and other school districts, including Haverford, Wallingford-Swarthmore, Ridley, West Chester, Lower Merion, Tredyffrin/Easttown and Great Valley, heard from a panel of experts at “Sleep and the Adolescent Brain," a public forum held at Radnor Middle School on Feb. 21, 2016 that examined the critical and growing public health issue of student sleep deprivation.
Spreading the Word about Sleep
Third Annual Dallas Fort Worth Sleep Walk with Project Sleep

Debbie Moore, chapter leader for Start School Later-Arlington, TX and her husband John, participate in the third annual DFW SleepWalk June 13, 2015 sponsored by Project Sleep, an international organization dedicated to educating communities about sleep health and one of Start School Later's coalition partners.
Talk at the Yale University School of Medicine
Meeting with Maryland's State Superintendent of Schools

Heather Macintosh, Start School Later's Publicity Director, and Founder of= Start School Later Anne Arundel County discusses the need for safe, healthy school hours with Captain Jeffrey Macris, PhD, Associate Professor of History at the US Naval Academy, and Dr. Lillian Lowery, Maryland's Superintendent of Schools.
Town Square: Start School Later, Let Teens Sleep
Start School Later Seattle, including Dr. Catherine Darley, discuss the recent release of research by the Seattle School District into optimum start times for high schools, looking at the direct correlation to the amount of sleep teenagers get and academic achievement.
Raising Awareness on Capitol Hill
Start School Later Arlington, TX
Attempt to Wake Up Their Local School Board

After a 5+ hr (note the clock reads 1:20 a.m.) Start School Later Arlington TX members Debbie Owensby Moore, Cathy Stein, Mark Schatzman & Cheryl Buckner Till finally presented their remarks to the AISD Board of Education in an effort to impress upon them the need to delay the HS start time. Currently local teens must be ready for instruction @ 7:35 a.m. Their brains are still physiologically asleep at this hour!
Screening of National Geographic's Sleepless in America
Sharing Joy with Sleep in Fairfax
After FCPS Votes to Start School Later
Ohio Adolescent Health Partnership Symposium
Forward Motion

Start School Later's Executive Director Terra Ziporyn Snider, PhD chats with pediatric sleep expert Danial Lewin, PhD of Children's National Medical Center on FORWARD MOTION with host Karen Allyn, September 2014.
Arlington, TX Kiwanis Club
Program on Teen Sleep & School Start Times

Director of Start School Later Arlington, TX Debbie O. Moore gave a presentation on adolescent sleep and school start times, at the Arlington Kiwanis Club in August 2014. She is pictured here with Rev. Kay Lancaster.
Twitterchat on Sleep and Mental Health

Start School Later Outreach Co-Director and Northeast Ohio Chapter Leader Stacy Simera guest hosted a national Twitterchat for @mhsmchat on Sleep & Mental Health in August 2014.
Meeting with Congresswoman Rita Lowey

Start School Later's Executive Director Terra Ziporyn Snider and Rockland Chapter (NY) Director Jeffrey Rose meet with U.S. Congresswoman Nita Lowey in her Washington, DC office to discuss the Start School Later Movement as a national public health issue.
Signing Maryland's Landmark Start School Later Legislation Into Law

Start School Later's Maryland team, Heather Macintosh, Ann Gallagher, Danielle Brooks, Maribel Ibrahim, and Terra Ziporyn Snider, with Maryland Senate President Thomas V. "Mike" Miller, Jr., Governor Martin O'Malley, and House Speaker Mike Busch. Annapolis, MD May 15, 2014. Photo courtesy of The Executive Office of the Governor.
Rockland School Health Showcase

Start School Later's Rockland County, NY chapter leader Jeffrey Rose at the May 1, 2014 Rockland School Health Showcase.
Spreading the word on Forward Motion

Start School Later Executive Director Terra Ziporyn Snider and Legislative Director Merry Eisner-Heidorn raising awareness about the need for safe, healthy school hours on Montgomery County Media's Forward Motion with host Karen Allyn. April 2014.
Start School Later Attends the University of Minnesota's Teens and Sleep Conference, Oct. 3-4, 2013

Start School Later's Executive Director and Co-Founder, Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider, traveled to Minneapolis to attend this historic conference, which, for the first time, brought together pediatric healthcare providers, school district leaders, educators, social service providers, school counselors, school psychologists, legislators, policymakers, and parents to discuss new ways to translate research into action.
Start School Later Meets with the U.S. Department of Education

Start School Later paid a callon the U.S. Department of Education in Washington DC and had a productive hour-long discussion with Deb Delisle, the Assistant Secretary for Elementary & Secondary Education and David Esquith, the Director of the Office of Safe & Healthy Students. We discussed ways to work together to make it possible for local schools to restore later, healthier, sleep-friendly hours.
Start School Later Serves on a Panel of a
Race To Nowhere Screening

Start School Later Executive Director Dr, Terra Ziporyn Snider (right) with Brenda Brown at a screening of the film RACE TO NOWHERE, Severn River Middle School, March 21, 2013
Exploring the Adolescent Need for Sleep:
A Symposium Co-Sponsored with the Lloyd Society
Event Date: March 9th, 2013
Event Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Event Location: Rockville campus of Montgomery College, Room MU 124
RSVP to: [email protected]
Exploring the Adolescent Need for Sleep:
The Consequences of and the Need for Appropriate School Start Times
Keynote speaker: Dr. Judith Owens, MD, MPH
Judith Owens, MD, MPH, is an internationally recognized authority on children and sleep. She is the Director of Sleep Medicine at Children’s National. Her research interests include the neurobehavioral and health consequences of sleep problems in children, pharmacologic treatment of pediatric sleep disorders, and cultural and psychosocial issues that impact sleep.
Dr. Owens chairs the pediatric section of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. In 2005 and 2006, she was a spokesperson for the National Sleep Foundation "Sleep in America" poll. She is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Owens is co-author of Take Charge of Your Child's Sleep: The All-in-One Resource for Solving Sleep Problems in Kids and Teens for parents and A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep for healthcare professionals. She is the recipient of many awards, including a 5-year NIH grant in sleep education, and the AASM 2006 Excellence in Education Award.
She is board certified in developmental/behavioral pediatrics and sleep medicine, and is the author of more than 75 original research and review articles in peer-review journals, chapters, and books on the topic.
Event Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Event Location: Rockville campus of Montgomery College, Room MU 124
RSVP to: [email protected]
Exploring the Adolescent Need for Sleep:
The Consequences of and the Need for Appropriate School Start Times
Keynote speaker: Dr. Judith Owens, MD, MPH
Judith Owens, MD, MPH, is an internationally recognized authority on children and sleep. She is the Director of Sleep Medicine at Children’s National. Her research interests include the neurobehavioral and health consequences of sleep problems in children, pharmacologic treatment of pediatric sleep disorders, and cultural and psychosocial issues that impact sleep.
Dr. Owens chairs the pediatric section of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. In 2005 and 2006, she was a spokesperson for the National Sleep Foundation "Sleep in America" poll. She is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Owens is co-author of Take Charge of Your Child's Sleep: The All-in-One Resource for Solving Sleep Problems in Kids and Teens for parents and A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep for healthcare professionals. She is the recipient of many awards, including a 5-year NIH grant in sleep education, and the AASM 2006 Excellence in Education Award.
She is board certified in developmental/behavioral pediatrics and sleep medicine, and is the author of more than 75 original research and review articles in peer-review journals, chapters, and books on the topic.
- Read about the symposium in Education Week
- Watch the video of Dr. Owens's presentation
- Watch the video of opening remarks by Terra Ziporyn Snider, PhD, Start School Later Executive Director and Co-Founder
- Watch the video of introductory remarks by Ann Gallaghar, Lloyd Society Board Chair
Start School Later Meets with the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Start School Later meets with Dr. Richard McKeon, Director of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, and Michelle Bechard, Lead Public Health Advisor, Division of Prevention, Traumatic Stress and Special Programs, at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency of the US Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS), Wednesday, July 18, in Rockville, MD. Discussion centered on creating awareness of the issue of sleep deprivation in students, school start times that are out of sync with adolescent circadian rhythms, and risk factors for mental health problems. Dr. McKeon and Ms. Bechard welcomed continued discussion about adolescent sleep deprivation and its consequences.
Start School Later Meets with #StuVoice Founder Zak Malamed

College Park, MD; Start School Later's Publicity Director, Heather Macintosh, and Co-Director Terra Ziporyn Snider meet with Zak Malamed, Founder of #Stuvoice to discuss ways we can support student efforts for later, safer, and healthier school hours and a better school climate in general.