Welcome to Start School Later
West Hartford, CT!
This chapter was started by Rachel Gary. then the mother of a middle schooler who at one time took a pre-7:00 AM bus. Her keen interest in scientific research led her to several studies confirming the serious health implications of sleep deprivation in teens, overwhelmingly caused by early school start times.
In discussing her concerns with her son’s school district, Rachel realized that it would take a cooperative effort from parents, administrators, lawmakers, and the community in order to insure the health and happiness of Central Connecticut’s students, so she launched Start School Later Greater Hartford, CT. Under new leadership, this chapter has refocused to West Hartford and is now called Start School Later West Hartford, CT. We also work collaboratively with the other chapters in the state, as well on state and national initiatives with the statewide chapter and the national organization. To contact us, please fill out the contact form on this page. |
"... adjusting start times to the recommended 9 a.m. will require changes for the many employees, businesses and transportation services that function around existing high school schedules, and that undoubtedly will meet resistance. But at what cost do we remain at the status quo? Is not the health and well-being of our children more important than the inconvenience of change?"
- Rachel Gary, Op-Ed in Hartford Courant, October 27, 2014