Welcome to
Start School Later Okaloosa County!
Here are our school district's biggest losers - Crestview HS and Davidson Middle School students on the 98-6 bus must be at the bus stop at 5:35 for their 7 a.m. school start time. Our school district expects these students to eat breakfast, and to be awake, alert and ready to learn 4 hours before their biological clocks actually turn on.
Start School Later Okaloosa County is committed to protecting the health and safety of public school students in Okaloosa County, FL by advocating for reasonable school start times and working in a positive manner within the local community.
For more information or to join our efforts, fill out the form to the right. You can also like us on Facebook or communicate via email to: [email protected] 23 Florida districts that have schools that start after 8:00am. Review the list here.