Welcome to Start School Later Edwardsville, IL!
Linda Markowitz and Elise Rebmann co-founded Start School Later Edwardsville. As a Professor of Sociology at SIUE, Linda is familiar with the research supporting later start times and has been actively advocating for implementation in the Edwardsville School District for many years. Elise co-founded and administrates a Facebook group for Edwardsville School District parents that focuses on raising awareness of important educational issues from state and national funding initiatives to finding excellent candidates for local school board elections to helping parents and guardians find great resources to help their students. They are very happy to be helping grow this movement and raise awareness of this very important issue.
If you are interested in working with us for later, healthier, sleep-friendly hours in Edwardsville, please fill out our contact form on the right.
You can also sign our Statewide Petition, our National Petition or become a member to stay informed on Start School Later nationally. Together, we can give Edwardsville and others a fighting chance at going to school at a safe and productive times. Former CPS CEO Arne Duncan endorses later school start times...