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Start School Later Baltimore City
Our Goal: Safe and healthy school start times for all Baltimore City Public Schools.
Our Goal: Safe and healthy school start times for all Baltimore City Public Schools.
September 19, 2024: Abell Foundation releases its report: Later School Start Times for Adolescents in Baltimore City Public Schools: Opportunities and Recommendations
September 27, 2024: Baltimore Sun's Editorial Board says "Baltimore City students need later start times"
October 18-19, 2024: Loyola University Maryland hosted the 2024 National Conference on Adolescent Sleep and School Start Times: Science and Implementation
Baltimore City's adolescents are sleep deprived.
The 2014 and 2018 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, administered by the Maryland Department of Health on behalf of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control asked a question of Middle and High School students about number of hours slept during weeknights. Data is broken down for each county and Baltimore City, by age, grade, gender, and race. Please see the adjacent slideshow. |
Baltimore City School Start Times and Transportation in the News
New Lens Production created this 2013 video about high school transportation, as part of a Student Attendance Work Group. |