Welcome to Start School Later Ann Arbor, MI!
The Ann Arbor chapter was started by a group of concerned parents/scientists dedicated to following evidence-based policies in the Ann Arbor Public School System. The scientific evidence about start times is clear: Teens need to start school no earlier than 8:30 a.m., as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control, and the American Medical Association.
Scientific evidence shows that puberty shifts teens’ physiological sleep cycles by two hours (on average), so that it is difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m. or awake before 8 a.m. When teens are forced to be awake at times incompatible with their biology, the result is impaired cognition, learning, physical health and mental health, and risks to their safety. This delayed sleep cycle is an independent factor determining when teenagers sleep. Other factors, such as avoiding exposure to screens late at night, can improve sleep habits. But the delayed sleep cycle is biologically determined.
The scientific evidence clearly shows that when schools start later, students do get more sleep, get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and experience better quality of life. By simply aligning school schedules to their biological sleep rhythms, teens benefit from reduced risks of being depressed or overweight, and from car accidents and sports injuries. All we need do is start school no earlier than 8:30 a.m.! Join us in encouraging parents and students to follow the evidence to later start times!