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Start School Later Rockland County, NY!
Start School Later is thrilled to announce our 15th chapter, Rockland County, NY.
Jeffrey Rose is a Clinical Hypnotist and Nutritionist specializing in losing weight, smoking cessation and improving sleep. He has offices in both New York City and Rockland County. Through his extensive clinical experience, Jeffrey knows that efforts to break bad habits and improve mental and physical well being are seriously impeded when a person is sleep deprived. Jeffrey is the father of two young daughters and is very concerned about the need for allowing more adequate sleep within many of our school districts. In view of the most recent and irrefutable research, it is Jeffrey's goal to see that his children, and all young students in our schools, satisfy their essential sleep needs, and realize their full potential in life. In an effort to bring these valuable changes to his own school system, he founded the Rockland County, NY Chapter of Start School Later. To inquire about local chapter activities or to reach Jeffrey, fill out the contact form on this page. |
So why do school districts approve of early start times when they know well enough this is harming our students. The answer I received from teachers and board members was “SPORTS!” The sports teams need to be released for practice and game participation. Although, I have my doubts that this is the only reason, it is an altogether unacceptable one! When did we in society give more importance to sports over academics? Children should be in school to learn first, play later.
- Dr. Toni Lyn Salvatore, Founder, Start School Later Westchester County, excerpt from Letter to the Editor, Journal News