Welcome to Start School Later Park City, UT!
A coalition is building in Park City to find solutions to early start times for high school students in Park City School District (PCSD). Currently in Park City, high school starts at 7:35 a.m.
Research unequivocally demonstrates that later start times for adolescents improve academic performance, reduce achievement gaps, increase athletic performance, reduce risks of concussion, and reduce adolescent driving accidents, among many other benefits. PCSD is dedicated to community solutions and research- and data-driven decisions. As in many other communities, however, logistics such as bus schedules, after-school sports, activities, and employment are significant obstacles to re-designing a school day based on what is best for adolescent health and learning. After a petition garnered some 375 signatures to move the high school start time later, a community-led coalition has formed to research the issues and propose solutions that will allow PCSD to align with the growing number of schools around the country that are moving to later start times. Working with members of the community, the PCSD Superintendent, principals, administrators, and the Park City Board of Education, momentum is building. Together we can implement a school schedule that makes sense for kids. To connect with our Park City, UT chapter, like our Facebook page or fill out the contact form on this page. |