Welcome to Start School Later Wayland, MA!
While the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended
that middle and high schools start no earlier than 8:30am, schools in Wayland start at 7:30am.
Buses reach their first stop at 6:45am. While the School Committee has studied school start times before and agreed that change would be beneficial, it found that logistical difficulties due to sports and other extra-curriculars made it too difficult to move start times. These priorities are backwards, and we have to put our children's health, safety and learning first. Logistical difficulties will be more easily overcome when other school districts change their start times as well, but somebody has to get this ball rolling. Let's do the right thing, and put our students first. We are working for an 8:30am start time for Wayland Middle and Wayland High Schools. If you want to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact us. Check out our statewide Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). |