Welcome to Start School Later Maine!
The healthy, safety, and equity benefits to starting middle and high school at times more in sync with the sleep needs of students are irrefutable. Benefits include:
Maine is home to seven chapters of Start School Later, Inc.:
Update on legislation
Maine is one of several States in the US considering statewide legislation for healthy hours
LD 468, An Act To Provide for Later Starting Time for High Schools has been sponsored for a second time by Representative Matthew Daughtry (Brunswick) More legislator contact info: http://legislature.maine.gov/committee/#Committees/EDU When local school districts are not provided with positive direction to pursue healthy school start times, competing interests take center stage and the health and safety of our school children and their families continue to be sacrificed.
We can no longer afford to ignore the massive amounts of research that identify early school start times as a health and safety issue. Contact the Education & Cultural Affairs Committee to voice your support for this bill. |